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Telegram seems to be enjoying the backlash WhatsApp received after it updated its privacy policy earlier this week. The messaging service posted the classic two Spider-Man pointing at each other meme with Facebook and WhatsApp icons in place of the two superheroes on Twitter. It then continued to take jabs at WhatsApp and Telegram users chimes in as well. Telegram is an instant messaging app that also supports video calling and VoIP service, making it a direct competitor to WhatsApp.

Telegram, through its official account, took to Twitter to share a meme making fun of WhatsApp and Facebook. It replaced the heads of the two Spider-Man in the popular Spider-Man pointing at each other meme with company logos. This came after WhatsApp updated its privacy policy earlier this week which made data sharing with Facebook mandatory. WhatsApp users will be required to either accept the updated privacy policy and terms of service or lose their access to the app from February 8, 2021.

Earlier, WhatsApp users were provided with the option to choose not to have their WhatsApp account information shared with Facebook.



Telegram posted multiple tweets taking Jabs at WhatsApp and users of the service also shared some of their memes. A Twitter user shared that the only thing stopping them from migrating to Telegram was their rich sticker database, to which Telegram responded “Sorry, any sentence that includes “rich stickers” and doesn’t include “Telegram” seems to make no sense…”



Another Twitter user replied on the Spider-Man meme and said, “Don’t forget to include Instagram too.” Telegram then replied, “Instagram Spiderman is trying to give pictures to J. Jonah Jameson.”

Furthermore, the now-world’s richest person Elon Musk also took this opportunity to take a jab at Facebook. Musk shared a tweet a couple days ago suggesting that what started with a website to rate women on campus has lead to the siege of The Capitol. Musk also tweeted “Use Signal” that drove a lot of people to the messaging service, to the point where it was causing delays with registering new users.

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